Updates from Klabauter Puppies
And now he has a friend - T2 Indie the water rat!
A very lovely lady from Hawaii wrote to say that it would be wonderful to get a puppy from Australia, as that is much easier with Hawaiian Quarantine than getting one from the US Mainland - we made it happen and Kalealani has moved to Maui - thank you for trusting us with this puppy!
Serenity.... 'Still toilet training but we are getting better and better at reading her signs. No accidents on the floor today.... Yet! She is so smart, we have had a lot of success using Susan Garret's model of training. She sits before opening any door, plays fetch with a soft toy donut, always bringing it back, and loves being around large groups of people. We have been meeting the neighborhood dogs through the front fence. She was a big hit at our local cafe ( photo included). Her brother Coco is coming to the same puppy school! '...
The three girls have moved to Melbourne and the owners catch up every so often - thank you so much for giving the girls the best retirement ever!
Hi Julia!
Just sending through a photo from when Ernie (on the left) met Echo (standing on the right - who’s called Kaiser) from E2 litter!
Each Sunday they get to play together at a dog park in Canberra, along with several other miniature schnauzers.
They are beautiful dogs - so lovely to know that all of Kaisers (Echos) siblings are just as gentle and lovely as he is!
We recommend Klabauter to anyone that will listen!
Tea had to spend a bit of time in kennels this year and looked after all the anxious puppies coming in. Good job!
Rocky (Ultimate in Black) is a wonderful dog with a happy life.
Happy siblings from the E2 Litter
King Klaus wants a mate this year, Kizan Shadow is beautiful and Kilbert makes his family very happy!
Since it was Birdies first birthday last weekend I thought I would send you some photos and tell you how she is going. I’m not sure how high she is but is bigger than most standards that we see here. She weighs about 17.8 kg. The vet and everyone who sees her think she is a magnificent looking dog. She is very confident, not scared of anything, loud noises, machines or anything really. She loves her food and pretty much everything and every dog and person she meets. She is great with kids and has a lovely temperament. That’s not to say the last 10 months have been a breeze. She needs a lot of exercise and we walk her/ take her to the park twice a day. She has also done her fair share of chewing and damage generally. She absolutely loves water, our swimming pool, creeks and the beach. She likes the high ground and has been known to jump onto the dining room table, she has some leap! She is slowly working her way through dog obedience and is getting less exuberant on the lead. She is quick to learn new tricks and can ring a bell to let us know she wants to go out. All in all she is a wonderful dog, and we all love her. Best birthday present ever!
She has the cutest little trot you've ever seen, particularly when she's off leash, and gets lots of compliments when we're out and about. People often remark on how 'bouncy' she is, and that she's just like a deer – particularly when she jumps up to steal a ball or leaps over another dog!
She's been fiercely independent since day one (read: she is not a fan of pats haha), but is becoming increasingly fond of a nightly belly rub, which we secretly love :)
Conversely, she's my little shadow around the apartment, accompanying me from room to room; and will often curl up against us in bed or on the couch, which again, we love.
She's incredibly smart and vigilant when it comes to matters of house security! (there's no mistaking her schnauzer DNA haha). But when it comes to meeting other dogs, she's incredibly friendly and sociable and loves a good play session – particularly if it involves being chased around or a bit of a wrestle!
People often remark on how amazing she is around other dogs, which makes us incredibly proud. So your breeding efforts and our early socialisation trips to the dog park have clearly paid dividends :)
Just thought I’d send a few pics of Kit. He loves the water and likes to sit in our bird bowl. His very shaggy, I haven’t clipped him yet as i love his curly fur 😊
Kilbert is popular..."We have a client at work who has one of your AMAZING pups from your recent litter and I asked for your details as he is just the bees knees"
I just wanted to let you know that Birdie is settling in well. She seems very relaxed, eating and sleeping really well. We have carefully introduced her to the other dogs in our family and she has taken everything in her stride. She has a confident personality and is making herself right at home. I will continue to send photos so you can watch her development.
Here a a couple of photos of my beautiful Elsie. It's been a very lively 10mths keeping up with her. She has a passion for life. Loves everyone and everything. Her favourite thing is to run. She is extremely smart, but best of all is full of love. She gets a lot of compliments on her looks and beautiful black coat, so well done.
We purchased one of your G litter puppies back in 2008 and thought it would be nice to touch base to let you know we still have our precious girl ‘Ruby’🥰 (Klabauter Grand Decibel)
Ruby is 14 now, still very active and loves her long walks - most people are shocked when we tell them how old she is!
She recently had surgery (this has been her only health hiccup in 14 years!) to remove a mass from her abdomen plus her kidney, either related to her kidney or adrenal gland, waiting to hear back from pathology - the vet was amazed at how well the surgery went for an older dog.
I’ve had a look at your website and saw a photo of her mum looking great at 15.5 😊
Kind Regards
THANK YOU SO MUCH to a wonderful couple to take such good care of Millie and Quickstep in her retirement, we miss her very very much and are so grateful for how you look after them!
Another beautiful retirement story for our girl Odyssey whose granddaughters are now with us. Thank you so much to the new owner!
Hi Julia,
so sorry it has taken so long to touch base with you, life has gotten away a bit this last year. I hope you and your family are well and things haven't been too bad where you are. Hattie has continued to thrive since she arrived with us last year. She is still very much full of beans and I have never seen such a bouncy dog 😊. She has graduated from puppy class and several obedience classes over the year and is doing well in her ongoing weekly sessions. The kids adore her, except when she has eaten something/someone she shouldn't! The cats however are less impressed with her arrival, though they tolerate her. She is still trying her hardest to get them to play, but no joy just yet.
My grooming isn't perfect but I think we are getting there, I like the feel and look of her stripped coat, so am sticking with this. I will attach a few pictures for you, hopefully they are ok to give you an idea of how she has turned out.
Thank you,
Kind regards,
....While I don’t let Benjamin sit on the furniture other than his specially dedicated chair, love this photo for Mother’s Day! Your dogs are so beautiful and we love him so much! Take care and stay strong!
The now not so tiny 'Tiny' from the X-Litter sending greetings from North Western Australia, Happy New Year Monty!
Just to wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a Happy 2022 hope all is well in your beautiful part of the world.....we have become guardians of a girl with Autism and an Intellectual disability... just wanted you to know how wonderful our boy has been...he has proven to be a real therapy dog for her. ... He absolutely loves her and is always wanting to sit on her and loves to play tussle with one of his toys with her. He is a dog that reads emotions really well, always cuddly and wanting to touch you to know you are around..... he responds to her & does exactly what she asks him to do. Which is frustrating as sometimes he can be a very stubborn Schnauzer boy for us and we have to get the you will do as your told voice on with him.... He is still an absolute character though and... just loves life, his toys, his food, water to splash in and especially his people. Once again thank you for our boy.
.... COVID........thankfully living on a 10 acre farm means that we have lots to do and plenty of outdoor space. Plus, it's been great to ride my horses and take Obe for walks between work meetings.
He's definitely turned into a covid dog that has had one of us all the time, and me most of the time, at home. He will be 3yo on 12 July. He is so very affectionate and loving. We love him so much. He still thinks everyone that visits is here for him. Everyone that meets him loves him!
.... we want to update you on our beautiful Inca on the eve of her 1st birthday! She is an absolute delight and such an important member of our family. She’s settled so well with us and is adventurous, curious, fun loving and active, as well as gentle natured with just the right amount of caution and protectiveness of us. She has the deepest, most powerful and intimidating bark when she wants to haha!
Her health is great and we waited until last month to have her desexed on the advice of our vet. She recovered quickly and back to normal with Echo who’s nearly 13! They have their version of playing and time out! She loves a rumble with other dogs at the park and is very easy going and social with them. temperament is testimony to your fantastic breeding Julia.
We were looking at your website last night and thought we should give you an update on our boy Harvey (Upbeat Harvey - U Litter).
He is a lovely family friendly dog with a great personality and loves a hug. He is very clever, and can be a bit stubborn and occasionally gets into some mischief by disappearing on the block for periods, and he also sometimes pretends he can’t hear us if he is getting in trouble for something!
Until recently we lived in the suburbs and he was a great guard dog with a tough bark, but he only barked at things that he wanted to alert us to, not a dog that barks at everything. We now live rural and he loves the rural lifestyle. He gets plenty of exercise with the kids on their quads – as soon as the engine of the quads or buggy start up he’s there keen and ready for a run!
We couldn’t have asked for a better natured dog.
I’ve attached a couple of pics from my phone, both recent and older. I have some more good ones if you want me to send them through? You’re welcome to put them on your website too.
I thought I would email you an update about Rosie (Klabauter Yippee Yi Yay) whelped 17.4.17 (Y Litter). Yes, she is 4 years old and I should of kept you posted more often!
Rosie is doing amazing, a very spoilt house dog who loves our boys and the cat. She is a real character. Is protective of her home, but scared of some men when they are in our house.
She is obsessed with me and she is my walking and running buddy.
She can be let off lead anywhere and will not run off, she keeps a close eye on me to make sure I am not out of sight.
She love balls, sticks and squeeky toys (destroys them until she gets the squeaker out).
She loves to sleep on the couch, on our beds or on top of us. She loves my Husband, lies on top of him and loves it when he roughs her up (their game)
She lets me clip her without the leash on, but fidgets for the bottom and face area.
She loves to roll in anything smelly when we let her off at the football oval. She prefers to smell bad!!!!
She plays well with other dogs, especially puppies. She runs away from dogs that try to dominant her. She has never shown any aggression.
She always receives lots of compliments from people and they either know her breed or call her a Terrier or a him.
She loves putting her head in the inside bin when it is opened or tries to lick the dirty dishes in the dishwasher when I open it. She knows the sound of a boiled egg getting cracked - her favourite.
When we go away she stays at my parents and is obsessed with my Mum, they don't lock her up on their open 3 acre property. She won't leave their boundary and will be by Mum's side when she is gardening.
She likes to jump on you and can be very stubborn when being told off. Tends not to listen with this bad habit. She also likes to mouth you on your hand when she is playing, now that she is old, can hurt if she gets you. She is soooo excited when you get home from work, jumping up at the door - despite my training attempts to stop her from doing this.
She travels well in a car but is so excited at the start and takes a bit for her to finally sit down. She knows she is going somewhere fun. She loves a walk and will let of hints by running to her lead, pointing to the lead with her nose and whining. She knows the BMX track and footy oval and knows that is where she will see her boys. The boy's friends love her, she runs around with them while they kick the football.
She would never go off with anyone as she is so loyal to our family. She always keeps an eye on us when she is off lead and comes back to check on us.
All in all, she is our girl and we love her. She is family, very spoilt, very loved.
Thank you for breeding such an awesome girl and allowing us to have her.
Enjoy some of her many photos I have taken over the last 4 years.
Anders is now three years old and is an integral part of our family. He has a beautiful temperament and loves both dogs and humans alike, particularly young children (especially girls). This we think is a legacy from his first weeks with you and your family. He still has boundless energy and enjoys life to the fullest. He is highly intelligent and is closely connected to his family and the world around him. Thank you again for providing us with such a great dog!
"Hi Julia ...she is an absolute angel of a dog so smart, caring and loving. She is going well, very fit and heathy which is great. I also wanted to see if it’s possible to get on your waiting list for another dog for my mum.... " Sure will do, so nice to hear!
We recently did a road trip to Brisbane with him in the back seat and he was brilliant. He slept all the way, jumped out to do his business (mostly) on queue and did a great job. He loves the car so we are very grateful.
We are getting lots of comments from people we meet about how handsome he is and asking us where did we get him."
Millie going well. Working from home means we get to spend these precious times with her... not sure she feels quite the same lol..... She’s struggling with social distancing, how do you explain why no one will come close enough to say hello anymore?
Just a note to report in on Anders (family name Yorgi) milestone on reaching his second anniversary. Thank you for providing us with a wonderful dog. He is a integral part of our family and extended family. He has a wonderful nature, loves people, and other animals. He is a delight to take on walks, on or off lead, and interacts beautifully with other dogs and humans. He seems to instinctively respond with the required approach, be it to a pup, old, young, male, female, timid or aggressive dog. Similarly, with people, children, or adults his interaction can hardly be faulted. Perhaps, only his enthusiasm, which appears to be endless. Even this appears to be settling down as he is leaving his puppyhood behind. He has fitted in beautifully with our daily routine and brings us great pleasure. He has been very healthy and has caused us very few problems with the Vet, other the odd dodgy ingested item that is typical of puppies. He is a credit to your kennels and your breeding program. We have owned schnauzers for over 50 years and he is certainly one of the best. We have attached a couple of photos. Sorry we did not heed you advice about the tail, but we do love it! He is our first schnauzer with a tail and we love the look. We do trim it, but cannot bring ourselves to cut the hair off to conform with the standard. We try to take enough off so he doesn't look like a "setter", but that's the best we can do. Thank you again
....I was so touched to receive your email and saddened to hear of the difficulties you’ve encountered...... As shared over the past year, what we have found with Benjamin has been the incredible care, attention and love you and your family have taken with breeding. We’ve come across several families in the area who have work with you in the past and we all share the same story - you breed an exceptional dog and certainly something to be proud of. Please do not give up and if we can ever help in any way with formal recommendations or testimonials, please let us know. Hopefully the worst is behind you. We celebrated Benjamin being one yesterday (with him and Charley below). He’s such a lovely dog and trusted family member (also currently fast asleep at my feet.)! Stay strong and don’t give up!!
.....has a beautiful nature and has truly changed our life’s for the better. I would like to get another now that he is maturing. Maybe a lady this time. What are your current wait times? ......
Just an update of Rafael.
He is a big boy now. He loves people so ...he is actually not a very good guard dog for our house.
I take him to a fenced dog park every 2nd day or whenever I can. He loves to play with all other dogs. He is super friendly to other dogs....
Dear Julia,
We are sorry for the belated report to you about Anders reaching his 1st year milestone, but we have had a hectic time with travel and family commitments that we are just catching up with "normal". Humble apologies, He is a delightful dog with a big personality, who loves people, especially children, ( little girls, obviously from his early days) and other dogs especially to play with. He is extremely intelligent, easy to train and wonderful company for us. He is a credit to your breeding program and is a wonderful example of the "classic Schnauzer" that we have loved over many years.
We love his beautiful black double coat and his lovely tail (we have only owned salt and pepper, and docked tails previously) and are equally pleased with his "stripped" appearance and his full winter shaggy look.
We have attached a rew photos for you so you can see his development from his first birthday.
Thank you again for this wonderful addition to our family.
Warm regards
Hi Julia,
I hope this email finds you well.
We were walking Mr Bear down to the local park a couple of days ago and to our surprise we met Bodi, his brother! His owner confirmed that they are siblings.
What a small world. They quickly became great friends and we are now scheduled to meet daily in the park to allow them to play together. It’s really lovely to see how connected the two boys are. I understand that Bear now features in Bodi’s Instagram site!
What a joy Mr Bear is!!
Yaeger working on his wave conquering technique...... soon he will have a board and go to the movies! Hopefully this video will work here.
A picture of Annuschka after her first visit to a rather good groomer !! Very nice work! I think the owner is happy with Annuschka.......
And someone el;se who met Annuschka wrote: "I met Annuschka today. She is divine and I could've quite easily stolen her!!!
After seeing one of your babies for real, I know we have picked the right breeder for our baby boy. You really do breed gorgeous dogs. Regards"
Just wanted to drop you an email and let you know how enamoured we are of little Alfie. He’s beautifully behaved, walks nicely on leash at a heel position, rarely barks, adores dogs and humans alike, loves his cuddles, is keen on playing tug and fetch, and generally brings us daily joy.
I’m learning how to hand strip and although it’s a work in progress, we are going well - Alfie is patient and I’m not too worried when I make mistakes. He’s exactly 46cm long and 46cm at the shoulder at the moment and has a lovely gait. He’s a lean and energetic 10kg and has lost more baby teeth than I can count (but we have only found two).
We just love him so much! Thank you ☺️
Hi Julia,
I have been meaning to email you about the progress of our gorgeous little April. She is going so well and we all absolutely adore her. She is a very happy cheerful little thing and totally adores Lenny - he is constant shadow and they share a bed. They are truly in love and Lenny has been a very kind and gentle big brother, (although he does sometimes get a bit sick of her ear chewing). I think she is a little smarter than poor old Lenny as she very quickly picked up the idea of the dog and seems to understand simple commands without too much trouble. I have included a photo of them both in front of the fire which is their favourite place, its a bit hard to see as black dogs are very difficult to photograph Thank you for breeding such beautiful and gentle dogs.
Hi Julia, I hope you are well! Here is Victoria just after her second birthday! She is hilarious. She can jump almost as high as my shoulder from standing and she keeps Rosie (11.5 years) from being too old! We’d like to order another one in a year or two if that’s possible? Thank you
It is with extremely heavy heart that I wish to advise that Augustin passed away today (24th July 2018) at 1:45 pm. Augustin was the first born (litter A) to Wittmor Professor and Wittmor Eureka. He can be seen on your website photo album for this litter ( top photo at 4 weeks). He gave us the most amazing 15 years of joy; love and extreme loyalty. We are thankful to you for providing us with such a beautiful soul....
Hope you are well. Our puppy is all grown up now as you can see. He’ll be 15 months in a couple weeks. We are considering desexing him now but want to know if you would like to breed him before we do.? He is very handsome and a perfect example of a Black Standard Schnauzer, a real testament to the Klabauter kennel and the work you do. We feel very lucky to have him and would hate to “waste” his talent and take away his legacy without consulting you first......
Zeus has safely arrived in HongKong and is happily united with his new owner!
And a week later good news... "Greetings from hot and humid Hong Kong. It’s now one week ago Rex arrived to Hong Kong and I must say he is absolute fantastic and well behaved puppy. Yesterday he visited the wet for his vaccination and HK dog chip. He is in top shape, eats well, sleeps all night. Rex is very social and respond quickly to instruction. We are very happy with him."
.... just wanted to send you some pictures of Henna who has just turned ten years old. She is the most delightful dog we have ever owned and is very much family and terribly spoilt....
Hello, Julia and Happy New year..
I wanted to send you an update of River’s progress from the Y litter at nine months. She was a very active puppy but the friendliest dog I have ever known. She is friendly with all dogs, people and even my daughter’s cats who she visits. She loves to swim and the only dogs who can out-run her at the dog park are the greyhounds who she loves to chase. Nothing seems to phase her– she does not have separation anxiety, is not frightened of thunder or lightning, travels easily in the car and is healthy and loving. I know that temperament is part genetics and part environment, so I’m not sure where this comes from but I have a feeling she may have good genes. I have also noticed that she is very attracted to children and as we have no children in our family I imagine this is because of how you socialised her as a young puppy.
Thank-you so much and I hope we can add a boy to our family next year,
Qiasu is doing very well in Singapore, we got a really lovely report with some questions about grooming. Such good news :-)
Here is Shadow with Rosie (aged 10.5 yrs) and our two youngest girls on her first birthday! Shadow is going very well. She is very cheeky and strong but a great companion. She goes to school every week and is learning obedience which she enjoys. Her favourite thing though is playing with the other dogs.
Hello Julia Just a quick note to let you know that Monty is magnificent and we are very happy. He's very clever and simply adores people, but particularly children. We have been getting him used to being on our boat including overnighters, which we are all enjoying. He's doing really well with training and can sit, drop, stay, wait and come (not always). His coat is very overgrown at the moment and is being groomed today which will be interesting. Cheers
Attached are some photos of Charlie. We used to have rules about dogs on beds or other furniture but apparently those rules don't apply to Charlie!
Hi Julia, Just thought I would give you an update. Xarla is fitting in with our little family beautifully. She adores the kids and loves playing fetch with them. Xarla has already learnt drop and sit, her release cue, food control, and crate trained. She is most of the time making good choices!! Honestly she is the happiest puppy I have ever had and stoked in every way with her. She is just beautiful, confident, and affectionate. Thank you so much!! I will keep you up to date on her progress. Thanks again. T... and Family. xox
She is a delight! Things couldn't be going better. Healthy, happy, endearing herself to everyone, toilet training easily and our other 2 dogs have accepted her (with one really caring for her.) Many, many thanks for breeding a dog with such a wonderful temperament.
Anna travelled well and she is settling in quickly and lots of fun for everyone.
Yvette - We are exhausted! All 4 of us are in love! Pepper (Yvette) loves gardening, tennis, and is fascinated with the stairs! She hates her cage but is progressing to 6 hours sleep per night.
Hi Julia. Just dropping you a quick note to give you an update. Wolfie has grown into a loving, handsome and mostly well behaved boy. Here he is having coffee with me on the porch. Regards
Hi Julia,
We recently took our little guy to a dog-friendly waterfall walk. I've attached a few good snaps we took on the day.
He's going great.
Hi Julia,
Just wanted to tell you how beautiful our Jäeger is! He’s wilful, headstrong, belligerent and naughty - everything a 10 month old male Schnauzer should be! Lol! He’s actually coming along nicely and we absolutely adore him! He’s smart & fun and part of the family.
He’s become good mates with our 2.5yr old pepper salt ‘Rùeger’.
He’s actually a lot bigger and more solid than we were expecting which my husband and I are delighted about! We hate how in general standards are being bred smaller.
People stop us to admire him (Rueger has a bit of complex about that - lol) we suspect he’ll be magnificent as he fills out!
Thank you for a brilliant Standard Schnauzer!
Sorry it's taken so long to get a few photos of Tully through to you but I have attached a few below!
She is a great dog, and couldn't be happier with her, she is very very smart, and graduated top of her class at dog training school! She can now do some impressive tricks! She is very loyal and walks off the leash beautifully in-fact she won't go far from me at the park but makes me earn her cuddles at home haha!
Anyway thanks again, you have certainly breed a beautiful dog with a great temperament!!
Hi Julia! Schmetterling has turned into the loveliest dog! She is so wonderful with my son, who's only 2. They play together like crazy things. The obedience training is going well. She's very clever and learns fast. Food based training is definitely the way to go with her. She's not food obsessed like a beagle or a lab, but she seems to enjoy puzzles. Food seems to be a good way to tell her that she's figured out what I want her to do. I can't wait to get her into agility! I think that she will enjoy it. Cheers....
Hi Julia It has just occurred to me that I have never told you what a wonderful dog my Helmut is (Prince Helmut from the P litter). He has got a brilliant temperament and he is just getting better with age, I can’t believe how good he is already. He loves the water and swims (more paddles actually) in the Swan River almost every morning. He captivates everybody he meets and the ladies at the dog park have nicknamed him Helmut Clooney. I just wanted to thank you for breeding such a lovely little boy and am very happy that I have him. I hope everything is going well with you all at Klabauter and that you continue breeding your lovely dogs because they are the best! Kind regards C
Stryker at Daycare
One of the boys:
"He is a sweetheart and has real attitude and spunk. He makes me laugh as I can almost read his thoughts through his body language sometimes when he doesn’t really want to do something. He has however decided I am the one to be on the good side of, so does almost everything I command and sits on my feet when I stop for 5, which has my husband quite amused. Probably because I do most of the walks, training and feeding…like most schnauzers Ralph is very food motivated. I will try to get a good photo for you to show his confirmation on the weekend. To my eyes he cuts a fine figure and is getting a nice musculature from his walking and stair climbing. He will be great at agility! I might try after we come back from a walk when he is a bit tuckered out for at least five minutes! We have been down to the beach a couple of times and he really loves the seaweed, rolling in it so he stinks that is. Typical dog, at least he baths nicely. We have it down to a fine art now. He is also very well behaved when we go out for Sunday lunch and he comes with us and sits under the table. A real member of the family now."
One of the girls:
"We love our little girl to bits! She has a huge personality is keeping me on my toes! Lol! Her furnishings are taking a while to grow, infact most people have confused her with a Labrador pup! I am not worried, they are growing, just slowly!"
We absolutely adore our Max from the M litter. He has grown into a faithful friend, great guard dog and very excited and energetic exercise companion. We feel that he would benefit from a doggy friend (not just us) to be with and so would love to own another one of your wonderful dogs. Could you put our name down on the waiting list for the next litters (boy dog preferably as Max annoys female dogs a little). Love seeing your new litters on the web site (which by the way is really excellent).
Hi Julia, was having coffee at Kahlis favourite coffee stop after the morning walk ( she has to greet her adoring fans,"good morning Kahli, hello Kahli xxxyou) this guy who i have never seen before stepped forward and said " (that schnauzers is related to my girl, no other dog has the same personality). I thought hello he 's another admirer ( feel like the mother of a rock star) turns out they got a black girl from you 6 years ago, we swapped Doggy snaps, she was in Hobart with his wife. He had the same wonderful experience owning one of your fur children . She looks just like Kahli. Thought you might like to hear that. ....
Hi, Well Florentine turned 8 last month. She continues to make us laugh with her funny antics and beautiful disposition. We now have a grandson who is two years old and they are the best of buddies. She is getting those middle age grey hairs but continues with me on our daily 5 to 8 km morning walks, dog park in the afternoon and daily swims. Busy girl. London is a distant memory now.....we had a ball. I often look at your web site and marvel at your dedication and those lovely lovely dogs. Kindest regards, ....
How are you? I was wondering about your litter plans for the year? I noted on your website that you may have a few litters planned this year, very exciting. We have decided its time to get a playmate for our beautiful Minnie (from the M litter). She is so adorable & well tempered we just have to get another of your schnauzers! Hopefully a little boy this time. Would you be able to put our names on any waiting list you have or keep us informed of any litter news? That would be fantastic. Minnie is doing brilliantly. She has learnt to swim at the end of last year. She had been trying & trying but was a bit nervous about being out of her depth. We tried everything, life jackets & plenty of treats. It turned out all she needed was another dog to show her how it was done! We can't get her out of the pool now. She will sit by the pool gate & cry until we let her in for pool time! Perfect exercise in this heat. Minnie is alway so motivated to learn new things, you can tell how excited & eager she is to learn new tricks or commands. Some things she has even picked up without us really even trying. She is so gentle with children too. Maybe I am slightly biased but certainly a perfect dog! We really look forward to adding another Klabauter schnauzer to our family. Kind regards, ....
"It is a 45 minutes drive to a great off-leash beach and the dogs love it - my son has a 3 years old Giant Schnauzer and he and the Standard are great mates and play and frolic together and make us laugh..... he has been growing and progressing well. He was desexed some time ago and was fine and bounced back immediately - he is possibly part mountain goat!!! - he is always jumping up on the outdoor seats and loves to sit up high and observe nature.
He is very athletic - runs really fast and jumps really high - great for the Giant - and sooooo affectionate and a great watch dog. Wow! sounds just like a Schnauzer, doesn't it!!!! Everything we all love about the 3 breeds!!!
So we just wanted you to know how wonderful he is and how proud of him we are and every one who meets him loves him, of course!!!! We will send some photos when things aren't so crazy with preparing the house. ..........
Maddie has retired to a very special home, and after three weeks this very complimentary letter arrived - very very happy !!
"Maddie has settled in well and is a great joy to us. She is getting on reasonably well with the cat. All who meet her say what a wonderful she is and how well behaved and trained she is. I tell them the credit can come to you and all the praises are yours."
Thank you so much to her new owners !!
Merry Christmas!
We hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoy the new year. We are loving our gorgeous Panzer, watching him grow up has been a real treat. He is absolutely stunning to look at, and a real clown of a puppy with lots of growing up to do. He keeps us entertained and gets a lot of attention from everyone including strangers on the street!!! We adore him :)
Kindest, ....
"Sending you xmas greetings.she is the perfect fur child.never thought i would say that! Me!!!breeder of afghan hounds in the UK, owner of airdales and gun dogs and look at me fallen in love at my old age with a gorgeous black Schnauzer.She is the delight of my life, my entire family. She is the best tempered dog i have ever owned and that's a record hard to beat, i had my first puppy when i was five ! Think your dogs are special Julia,having visited and seen how they live as part of your family, how your kids play with them and also how they react to strangers!!!i felt very comfortable being in the midst of the dog gang, holding the puppies and mom and dad and gang all looking on not at all fussed. I WISH I WASN'T SO OLD I WANT MORE AND MORE OF YOUR PUPPIES. Have a lovely festive season. Xxxfrom ....."
Hello Julia, Qia is gorgeous. She has a lovely temperament - lively and bouncy just a puppy should be, and then placid and calm and sits quietly with us. She fits in beautifully with our family. I am loving taking her for walks and she has responded well to training -e.g. sit, down and walking on the leash. She loves her food and is growing like a weed. She had a slight skin infection a week or so ago - possibly a reaction to the heat. She has responded well to some Cephalexin and different shampoo (Head and Shoulders). She is not itchy - but it was like a dandruffy, skin reaction (with redness and inflammation). She was and is happy in herself though which is always a good sign. My camera has a problem with connecting photos but I will send through some photos for you when I can. I hope you have a great Christmas planned. I will be in touch again soon. Best Regards, ..........
"What a match! :)"
"Nairobi has turned into such a sweetie she gives me the biggest cuddles when i get home from work and she adores Leopold! :)"
Hi Julia, Are back from Europe , hope you had an enjoyable time? My puppy......is growing beautifully. I am so happy with her, i have had her desexed , which was traumatic because she hated the Collar and tried to eat her stitches.....I'm afraid i ended up with her in my room but that makes me happy so it's a win win situation. She does well in puppy school but is easily bored (so am i) . I want to ask about the reddish tinges to her fur under her arms and chest, my groomer was curious. Also when do you have another litter planned, i think i am so addicted i might have need a companion for her.best wishes
...."as i said she gets so much attention we could start a fan club...her temperament is so kind and happy i could not wish for better.She loves my 4 yr old grandson and they play endless games, where she has to act out BOB THE BUILDER with him, her role is to sit and listen.Then they wander off down the padock together....when my puppy has had enough she comes to let us know. Won't leave him by himself !,,Sorry to bore you with all of this but she is exceptionally wise,good tempered,naughty in a delightful puppy way and i feel so blessed to have her.".......
We finally managed to load the photos of Bella (nee Barbarella) – as you can see we neglected to take your advice not to let her into the house because she would take over our life!! Well she did and we all love her a million trillion times around the world and back again. It has been fantastic having Bella as we wanted a dog that could come into the house (don’t lose hair) and be company for the boys. She is a top watch dog, never bites ever, and our friends and guests all quickly fall in love with her too. As discussed Bella is 11 years old on 14 September 2014 and we want to get pup so Bella has got a companion and we will still have one of your beautiful dogs when Bella moves on to the ever after.
Thank you so much for giving us our joy of the year Astro. I don’t know how we would ever be without him now! He is much loved and spoilt. He is keeping us busy pulling the glittery balls of the xmas tree and running out the dog flap and depositing them out in the garden. We have had to forgo the glass decorations this year! He has been getting quite good at swimming, we have been taking him down to the sandbar to play with all the other dogs in the area at Bayview on the hot days. We is very cute, as soon as he gets to the sand he rubs his belly along the cool sand. He got another shave this week. We bought the clippers you suggested, and do it ourselves. We haven’t won with the nail clipping yet! Hope you all have a wonderful xmas and new year.
Tomorrow the 'N' litter turn one & I thought I would send some photos & give you some feedback for our pup Nixie. Nixie is just lovely, she gets lots of comments on her looks & beautiful glossy black coat. She is very loving & has bonded well with our daughter. She is still very excitable & continues to jump like a kangaroo despite various training methods throughout the year. She LOVES everyone & every dog & wants to play with & jump on them - super friendly, but makes our walks interesting. She has passed her level 3 obedience & did fairly well with classes although her excitable nature can be trying in that setting. She doesn't bark much, gives a warning bark & growl if people are close to the fence. She loves to swim & has done from very early on. She loves cuddles & tummy rubs & chewing things especially wood. She is gradually settling down & I can see ongoing progress with her training & obedience so look forward to the next 12 months. I hope you are all doing well & family & dogs are all well. Best wishes & thanks for a great puppy!
Rosie is doing really well, she has the most lovely nature, totally devoted to us and her little friend Bronte (on the right). She is still a very playful girl and we have a lot of chewed furniture (!) but she is clever and quick to learn. She is so beautiful (or so we think!) and a perfect size, if you remember I said we hoped to have not too big a puppy, because our mini is so small! Sure enough she has grown into a fabulous knee height young lady!
Touch wood she has been really healthy and is a fabulous addition to our house! She loves to chase the birds and can run for miles. She is gentle and great with the kids in an enthusiastic way!
"Hi mummy Julia, I am growing very big now...I am up to my new mum and dad's knees (around 60cm from toe to top of head). I LOVE to run around at the park and play chase with my owners. I also have some other dog friends that I hang out with when their owners come over for dinner or when daddy takes me to work. I am still a little frightened of them but after some time we run around a bit. I love being in water...I figured out how to swim straight away and I love it when daddy is watering the garden and I can play in the hose. I can now sit and stay for my dinner. I have to drop down before I get a pat in the morning...which is very hard because I am SUPER excited to see mum and dad after a big sleep. I know to go poo and pee (mostly) outside...sometimes I get a bit excited and I forget to ask. When we move house I am getting a big back yard to play in...I am also getting a new human baby brother or sister! Mummy is going to take me to advanced training lessons so that I can learn some better tricks than just sit, stay, shake paws (hands) and drop. I am also bilingual - I know both Martu (Aboriginal dialect that mummy works with) and English. I need to do some more active training as I can be a bit naughty when I'm not stimulated enough around the house. I especially like to sit at the dining room table when people are doing their work or if they leave the room. However when someone notices me I know that I shouldn't be up there! There are some photos attached of me for you to look at. I will let you know how I go after I move to my new big house."
"You probably don't know me, I am a member of the Vic Schnauzer Club.... I just wanted to send you an email after meeting owners of your dogs at the club fun-day yesterday... Those young Black dogs the boys had, have the most beautifull temperament of just about any Schnauzer I have seen and I wanted to tell you so! As breeders we get to hear negative comments when something goes wong, but in this instance I thought it was worth letting you know what a positive impact those lovely dogs had on everyone they met :) I asked for your info, so I could contact you and if I get asked about Schnauzers in the future, I will pass on your details with confidence! Kindest regards!"
Mystery on her first beach holiday recently (camping) and she just loved it!
An update on Max from the M litter: "He is an absolute delight and impresses everyone he meets; not only is he so attractive and distinctive he has a beautiful friendly personality, not aggressive or dominating and so so smart. He loves playing with other dogs but is a bit of a sook and seeks reassurance by running back to you and staying between your legs if he feels a bit worried. He now walks beautifully on a lead and is about to start some more training. Many thanks for breeding such a wonderful dog".
"Hi Julie! Well it's we've gotten through our first month with Archer, and what a month!
He's been absolutely fantastic, the vet, pet store workers, and people at the dog park love him.
As do we. We've booked him in for his first grooming session with us for next weekend.
Which should be something new and exciting!
We had a dog trainer come to the house to help us out a little with training
etc which was fun. I've attached a few pictures for you as well. Kindest....."
"After two years in England where she had the time of her life, Florentine is back here in Killara
and loving being able to swim every day. She was perfect over there and took to public
and pubs and snow with relish. She was a much loved fixture in Kew and so well behaved
in the Greyhound with all her other English dog friends. You should be very proud of the dogs
you breed. They have such wonderful temperaments and now she is 6 we never stop being
amazed at how good she is. Of course there are naughty times. She is a schnauzer after all."
And another letter from Klabauter Iggy and Klabauter Lois enjoying their swim in the Swan River near Perth on 20-2-2013:
"It was a complete scorcher in Perth today, and they loved their swim!"